[Logs] Updates Changelog
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Tópico: [Logs] Updates Changelog

  1. #1
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018

    [Logs] Updates Changelog


    We'll be creating and fixing this topic, every time there are changes, we'll be creating a new post in this topic, so in order to always be able to see the latest changes, check the last page.

    When there's a maintenance and no changelog is posted, it means that there's no changes, and it's just an infrastructure maintenance that doesn't change anything related to the game.

    Whenever you need to access this topic, use the shortened url:


  2. O seguinte usuário agradeceu a Admin por este post útil:

    Gour (02/11/2020)

  3. #2
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 10/02/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.33 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.10 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.6 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)


    • Modified Bosses respawn, now they appear on a fixed respawn of 12 hours after the last death without any time range, but the punishment of extra 2hours is still applied when Crywolf has been defeated;
    • Off Store feature available in Loren Market, if you want your store to remain open even after you go offline, just mark the Offline Store option (for the time being it is free for all users, but in the future it will be restricted to VIP users only)
    • Chaos Castle has been reworked, the event will take place on the servers: General-1 and VIP-1 at 9:00am, 12:00am, 6:00pm and 10:00pm (GMT -3)
      • Rewards will include jewelry drops single or in bundles, dvz points and ancients, remembering that the drop is random, and the higher the level of the event, the better will be the mobs and final rewards;
      • Event Invitation is available at the DVZ Point store;

    • Fixed disconnection problems (in testing)
    • Added event notification system in all servers, when an event like Blood Castle, Chaos Castle or Devil Square is going to happen, it will be announced in the global of all the servers, with their prefix between [], for example, [G1] will indicate that the event will happen in X minutes in GENERAL-1.
    • Reworked pets and mounts
      • Previously pets like angel or imp from the bar, were superior to fenrir, due to the difficulty of creating a fenrir, all the pets had their attribute values reformulated according to their rarity.

    • Changed Dinorant combination (to check the necessary ingredients, just put 1 uniria in the chaos machine);
    • Added Pet Demon and Spirit of Guardian in the DVZ Coin Shop (dcshop.devilzmu.net -> category 'Guards/Pets')
      • ​Attention, these are season 4 standard pets and are temporary;

    • Reworked attributes of objects (gate, statue, monsters) from Caste Siege; (this is in testing, and as the values have all been buffed, the upgrades of these objects will also have a higher cost of Guardian and DVZ Point in the future)

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  4. O seguinte usuário agradeceu a Admin por este post útil:

    Gour (02/11/2020)

  5. #3
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 10/08/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.34 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.11 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.7 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)


    • Anti-hack optimizations;
    • The description of the pets: 'Demon', 'Spirit of Guardian' and 'Imp' was synchronized with the correct values, there was no change in the 'Angel' pet, as it was already with the correct description.
      • Keeping in mind that 'Demon' and 'Spirit of Guardian' are items that are available in the DVZ Coin store and 'Imp' and 'Angel' are available in Lorencia bar NPC;

    • Based on the feedbacks we received in the last Castle Siege, the Dark Lord class had builds that made it almost immortal, the main factor was that the wings and capes were not inside the global damage reduction cap, as of this update wings/capes (from all classes) are part of this cap;
      • We reinforce what we have said before, any build, no matter which class, if it's 'over power' it will be nerfed, so if you find any combination of that kind we kindly ask you to report it.

    • Fixed a problem in 'Selupan' that caused disconnects in some characters;


    Since the last Castle Siege all object combinations (gate, statue, etc) of CASTLE SIEGE have been buffed (in damage, defense and life), so we recommend the guild that owns the castle to activate the gates and all protections.

    The catapults also had their damage buffed, with a chance to give one hits;

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  6. O seguinte usuário agradeceu a Admin por este post útil:

    Gour (02/11/2020)

  7. #4
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 10/13/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.34 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.11 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.7 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)


    • Fixed duplicate global announcement for events (BC, DS and CC);
    • Adjusted damage of the classes: Wizard (DW, SM and GM) and Magic (MG and DM); (in tests)
    • Reduced the life of the gates and statue of the Blood Castle that was very strong preventing beginners from completing the event;
    • Changes in the Dark Elf quest:
      • Respawn time reduced from 30 min to 10 min;
      • As it's an important monster for the third class quest, the drop has been nerfed and it will only drop dvz points without any loot reservation;

    • Fixed a issue preventing the Vault from opening after a while online;
    • Internal improvements to reduce connection problems;
    • Damage reduction for the next Castle Siege has been increased from 25% to 50% compared to the production server; (in testing)

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  8. O seguinte usuário agradeceu a Admin por este post útil:

    Gour (02/11/2020)

  9. #5
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 10/26/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.36 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.14 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.10 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)


    • Added Visual Inventory;
      • Items equipped in this inventory will have visual display priority on your character, but no attributes are given. (there's no items released for this inventory yet, it will be available soon)

    • Added DVZ Coin & DVZ Point on /trade;
    • Added multi-language support in the DVZ Shop; (through the X-key on your computer or the option menu in your phone)
    • Allowed Trade on the servers G1 (geral 1) and V2 (vip 2);
    • Multiple Optimizations;

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  10. Os seguintes 2 usuários agradeceram a Admin por este post útil:

    Gour (02/11/2020), idosotm (30/10/2020)

  11. #6
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 10/27/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.36 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.14 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.10 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)


    • Added beginner's server, named as START server, abbreviated as ST;
      • This server is dedicated to players who are starting on DevilzMu, veteran players are forbidden to create new accounts in order to get the benefits of this server, if this type of action is identified the accounts involved will be permanently banned;
      • In order to gain access to this server you must have a character with up to 50 resets or your account must have been created less than 10 days ago.;
      • In this server all the automatic events are enabled: blood castle, devil square, chaos castle, all of them with default rewards and time from the other servers, the difference is that only beginners will be able to join it;
      • All BOSSES, sub bosses and noob bosses available in the other servers are also available in this server but with their HP reduced by 50%;
      • The XP of this server will be 1500x, that is, 50% more than in the default servers;
      • Harmony and/or socket options have no effect in this room, this action becomes necessary to avoid the use of strong items causing unbalance among beginner players.
      • Crywolf failure penalties aren't applied on this server;
      • Jewels Drop increased by +20%;

    • Fixed a visual bug in some Dark Spirit's and Dark Horse's who were displaying an expiring time.
    • Improvements in some texts and translations;

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  12. Os seguintes 2 usuários agradeceram a Admin por este post útil:

    Gour (02/11/2020), idosotm (30/10/2020)

  13. #7
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 11/02/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.36 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.14 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.10 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)


    • Changed points distribution system from FULL STATUS to BUILD, all characters that had 65.535 points distributed had their points returned and the initial default build of each class was restored, now each class has the following distribution cap:
      • Blade Master, High Elf, Grand Master, Dimension Master: Up to 80.000 distributed points (that is, the sum of points in strength, agility, vitality and energy cannot exceed this value).
      • Lord Emperror: as it has command it can have up to 90.000 distributed points (that is, the sum of points in strength, agility, vitality, energy and command cannot exceed this value).
      • Duel Master: it's a special class in the MU environment and therefore it can have up to 100.000 distributed points (that is, the sum of points in strength, agility, vitality and energy cannot exceed this value).

    • With this change in the BUILD system, all of the basic formulas have been restored, thus allowing a better balance between the classes.
    • Added the command /rebuildstat (with a cost of 500 DVZ Points for each reset, this value will be increased in the future), after using this command all the distributed points will be returned and your status will be restored to default.

    With these changes, the limitations applied in the reduction additional of wings, and sockets, were removed, these changes aim to make the PvP more diverse, something that the FULL STATUS environment doesn't allow, it's a change that is in a testing period and of course if it doesn't have the expected outcome can be reversed.


    As the upcoming event will be a decisive factor in the testing of this new mechanic, we will be adding a bonus to the reward, which will have 1 Box of DevilzMu- Old Time for all members of the winning guild who are online and participating at the time of the event.

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  14. O seguinte usuário agradeceu a Admin por este post útil:

    Arkham (03/11/2020)

  15. #8
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 11/16/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.38 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.15 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.13 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)


    • Obscure Items Rework; (read news)
    • Enabled Wings 2.5 creation quest for a limited time; (read news)
    • Fixed MuBot allowing it to be activated during death animation;
    • Added Talisman of Luck (PC Point);
      • With this item you can increase by +1% your success rate in any Chaos Machine combination, it's usage is limited up to 10 talisman per combination;

    • Added 'Gold Talisman of Luck';
      • For now it's a drop item from the Obscure Box, it increases +3% success rate in any Chaos Machine combination, it's usage is limited up to 10 gold talisman and can't be used together with the normal Talisman of Luck;

    • Added 'Socket Transfer Talisman';
      • With this item you simply need to go to the NPC Seed Researcher (Elbeland X: 51 Y: 241) and select the option Socket Transfer, through it you must put: 1 socket transfer talisman + 1 item with activated socket (which will provide the sockets) + 1 item with free socket slots (which will receive the sockets), the success rate is 100% and at the end of the combination the additional sockets of your socketed item will be transferred to the free socket item, the talisman and the item that had sockets will be consumed.
      • This system was created in order to give you the possibility to transfer your sockets from obscure items that were restricted by classes, it's a temporary system that we don't have plans to make it permanent, only during the period of visual rework of old socket items;

    • Restaured default potions formulas;
      • The healing formula is based on the points distributed in vitality, and not on the crystal life, that is, if you use only options to increase your life, you will have less healing than a player who has points in vitality;

    • Added death logs (in system messages) during 'Castle Siege';
    • Increased 'Chaos Castle' loot time to 3 minutes;
    • 'Mana shield' skill improvements (Wizards);
    • 'Greater Fortitude' skill improvements (Knights);
    • Nerf on 'Twisted Slash' skill and Combos (Knights);
    • Buffed defense (Elfs);
    • Nerf on 'Fire Scream' skill (Lords);
    • 'Berserk' skill improvements (Summoner);
    • Nerf on 'Chain Lightning' skill (Summoner);
    • Server anti-hack improvements;


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  16. #9
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 11/23/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.40 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.17 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.15 (pending Apple's approval)(check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the select servers screen)


    • Fixed a bug when equipping items in the visual inventory; (mobile version)
    • Applied a nerf in the 'Knight' class;
    • Antihack improvements;


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  17. #10
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul, 2018
    MAINTENANCE 11/24/2020:

    Client version:

    • PC: 1.0.41 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the servers screen)
    • Mobile (Android): 1.0.18 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the server screen)
    • Mobile (iOS): 1.0.15 (check your game version in the window title or in the bottom left corner of the select servers screen)


    • Fixed Death King sub boss respawn;
      • Due to problems we had with some sub bosses, we'll be extending the special Wings 2.5 event until 12/30/2020;

    • Seed Earth visual fix (Increase Life) on client side;
      • The seed effect is applied directly to the life crystal, and not on the vitality points as it was previously displayed;

    • Nerfed the 'Swell Life' skill; (Knights)
    • Improvements in base defense; (Knights)
    • Fixed disconnect's when using 'Demon' pet;
    • Fixed visual lags in Kanturu/Aida 2 maps; (iOS client only)
    • Antihack improvements;


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