Citação Postado originalmente por _[OnlyLove]_ Ver Post
Currently the game has gone through some time, so I would like to contribute some comments to improve the game as follows:

1. CastleSiege problem:
Only selected GUILD are allowed on the LorenDeep map to prevent access to other individuals in the airspace.

2. Problems about buying and selling in lorenmarket:
With a large number of sellers, create a list .. buyers can access that list and choose the items to buy, not having to go looking for each character to check anymore

3. Chaocastle problem:
ANC items drop and disappear quickly so they cannot be picked up in time

4. Problems moving between maps:
When you want to move from LorenMarket >> Crywoft (Barrack) or vice versa, you have to move through intermediate maps like Elbeland, lorencia, devias ... it is very time consuming >> why can't you move from LorenMarket >> Crywoft will be more convenient

5. Move to the Land0fTrial map:
Should create a shortcut on the map bar (M) to make it easier .. each move up must run from CryWoft through or from LorenDeep down

6. Party creation problem:
So leave a list of groups created for everyone to choose the group they like (you can set a separate password for each group) .. when disconnected, you will not lose the existing group.
Hello, thanks for giving your suggestion, we will analyze it.