[Update] Wings 2.5 - Combination available through Chaos Machine!
Wings 2.5 is a new symbol of achievement and will empower the legendary players of the DevilzMu continent. They arise after the defeat of powerful monsters that curse Aida, Tarkan, Icarus and Losttower, these monsters are responsible for rare drops, which will allow you to attempt creating the wings from this mysterious and dangerous mission.
There are reports, that these wings possess a cursed power, and that when equipped by a normal player, they give him a hunger for power and victory in front of his enemies. So, be prepared for the beginning of great battles aiming to increase your power and respect even more, being feared by everyone on the DevilzMu continent.
Defeating the powerful monsters won't be enough, as you will still have to dodge bad luck and defeat the vicious Chaos Goblin during your creation attempt at Chaos Machine.
Your symbol of conquer and power, can be created visually or with options, under your preference of creation. However, regardless of the results, know that you were brave enough to go in search of the final goal, which is success during the creation attempt, because not everyone will have this courage and strength in the face of these obstacles.
Important! Level 2.5 Wings aren't stronger than Level 3 Wings, we recommend it for players who are starting in DevilzMu, because they are better than level 2 wings, but if you are a veteran player but you like the design of these wings, you will have the option of visual creation where you can use the wing design without giving up the attributes of your level 3.
Noble and legendary players must always be ready for new missions, because in a continent of surprises and emotions like DevilzMu, new tales always arise that can be written by each one of you.
This mission won't be easy, because you will have some obstacles along the way, besides the personal dispute with other players, who also go in search of this objective. However, it's up to you to define your strategy and find the best way to dodge those who want to prevent your victories and achievements.
The wings represent a new power in front of your enemies and visually symbolize your victory in the defeat of great monsters of our continent and the completion of an important mission through different maps and cycles of conquests.
Don't waste time, the mission is in your hands and can be completed by 11/30/2020, where only the victorious will have conquered the new wings/capes, and who knows, if you try hard, you could be one of them. Are you able to finish this mission alive and victorious?
- HELL MAINE: Spawns in Aida, in all servers, with a respawn of up to 30 minutes with a 50% chance to drop the ingredient.
- DEATH BEAM KNIGHT: Spawns in Tarkan, in all servers, with a respawn of up to 30 minutes with a 50% chance to drop the ingredient.
- PHOENIX OF DARKNESS: Spawns in Icarus, in all servers, with a respawn of up to 30 minutes with a 50% chance to drop the ingredient.
- DEATH KING: Spawns in Lorencia, in all servers, with a respawn of up to 30 minutes with a 50% chance to drop the ingredient.
Chaos Goblin also want your defeat during combinations, but we are sure you will find luck and be able to dodge bad luck during your creation attempt.
Be fast and try to perform your creation that will be available until 11/30/2020, because after this period, there's indeed the possibility of a new mission with this reward in other times, but there's no prediction for this to happen, so don't leave it for later.
<div class="divg"><table><colgroup></colgroup><colgroup></colgroup><colgroup></colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th> </th> <th> <h2>COMBINATION 1<br><font size="2">(VISUAL ITEM)</font></h2> <p><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/wings_result2.png"> <br>1 Wing or Cape 2.5 random Visual<font size="1"><br><br> </font> </p></th> <th> <h2>COMBINATION 2<br><font size="2">(DEFAULT ITEM)</font></h2> <p><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/wings_result2.png"><br>1 Wing or Cape 2.5 random w/ FULL adds <br><font size="1">(level +0 without life option, can be added manually)</font> </p></th> </tr></thead> <tfoot> <tr> <th> </th> <td><p>Success rate: 60%</p></td><td><p>Success rate: 75%</p></td></tr></tfoot> <tbody> <tr> <th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_death_king_bone.png"></th> <td>1x Death King's Bone</td><td>1x Death King's Bone</td></tr><tr> <th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_hell_maines_leather.png"></th> <td>1x Hell Maine's Leather</td><td>1x Hell Maine's Leather</td></tr><tr> <th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_dark_phoenix_flame.png"></th> <td>1x Dark Phoenix Flame</td><td>1x Dark Phoenix Flame</td></tr><tr> <th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_death_beam_knight_soul.png"></th> <td>1x Death Beam Knight Soul</td><td>1x Death Beam Knight Soul</td></tr><tr> <th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_jewelsoul.png"></th> <td>2x Jewel of Soul Bundle +3<br><font size="1">(30un)</font></td><td>2x Jewel of Soul Bundle +3<br><font size="1">(30un)</font></td></tr><tr> <th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_creation.png"></th> <td>2x Jewel of Creation Bundle +3<br><font size="1">(30un)</font></td><td>2x Jewel of Creation Bundle +3<br><font size="1">(30un)</font></td></tr><tr> <th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_jewelchaos.png"></th> <td>1x Jewel of Chaos Bundle +1<br><font size="1">(10un)</font></td><td>1x Jewel of Chaos Bundle +1<br><font size="1">(10un)</font></td></tr><tr><th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_winglevel2_bk.png"></th> <td>1x WING/CAPE LEVEL 2<br><font size="1">(full +13)</font></td><td>1x WING/CAPE LEVEL 2<br><font size="1">(+9 or more w/ life option)</font></td></tr><tr><th><img src="https://resources.devilzmu.net/forum/topics/wing-2.5/ico_dvzpoint.png"></th> <td>10.000 DVZ Points</td><td>4.000 DVZ Points</td></tr></tr></tbody></table></div>