[Promotion] DvzCoin Promotion - Special March (up to +15% + gift)
We are opening a "lightning promotion" with discounts in DvzCoin and an exclusive gift for the contributions made in the maximum package.
This will be a "lighter", promotion in what concerns bonuses, because our intention is to make the exclusive gift available to all of you, but in a more accessible way.
There are two new KIT's available for sale in boxes in the X Shop in-game and you will be able to enjoy them and also this promotional content, but take advantage because it will be for a limited time of only 10 days.
<div class="divp"> <table><th style="background-color:#D2B48C">PACKAGE <i class="fas fa-box-open"></i></th><th style="background-color:#D2B48C">STANDARD VALUE <i class="fas fa-credit-card"></i></th><th style="background-color:#D2B48C">BONUS <i class="fas fa-receipt"></i></th><th style="background-color:#D2B48C">DVZCOIN FINAL <i class="fas fa-coins"></i></th><thead><tr><th colspan="4">PROMOTIONAL PACKAGES:</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>PACKAGE 01</td><td>R$ 15,00 (150 DVZCoin)</td><td>5% Bonus</td><td>158 DVZCoin</td></tr><tr><td>PACKAGE 02</td><td>R$ 50,00 (500 DVZCoin)</td><td>10% Bonus</td><td>550 DVZCoin</td></tr><tr><td>PACKAGE 03</td><td>R$ 100,00 (1.200 DVZCoin)</td><td>10% Bonus</td><td>1.320 DVZCoin</td></tr><tr><td>PACKAGE 04</td><td>R$ 200,00 (3.000 DVZCoin)</td><td>10% Bonus</td><td>3.300 DVZCoin</td></tr><tr><td>PACKAGE 05</td><td>R$ 300,00 (7.000 DVZCoin)</td><td>12% Bonus</td><td>7.840 DVZCoin</td></tr><tr id="focus"><td><i class="fas fa-medal"></i> PACKAGE 06*</td><td><i class="fas fa-medal"></i> R$ 600,00 (14.000 DVZCoin) </td><td><i class="fas fa-medal"></i> 15% Bonus</td><td><i class="fas fa-medal"></i> 16.100 DVZCoin <br><i class="fas fa-paw"></i> 01 Saint Fenrir</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"><font size="1">*Package 06, is only available in special promotions, after the expiration it will be removed from our web shop.<br><br><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> Valid until 18/03/2022 at 23:59 (GMT -3);<br>
<i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> Valid for all payment methods;
<br><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> Saint Fenrir will be added to the in-game DVZ Shop (X-Shop), in the player's store option, after releasing the purchase order.</font></td></tr></tbody></table></div>