Citação Postado originalmente por AGUSTIN420ok Ver Post
Hola buenas, tengo un problema, mi pj es un magic gladiator y para subir los stats creo que necesito 80 mil de puntos, yo supere los 100 mil y surgio un problema, no me deja repartir los puntos y intente de todo, pero no funciono ya nose que hacer, ayuda por favor, si tiene un comando me lo pordrian decir porfa
We work with BUILD system, each class has the following distribution limit:
Blade Master, High Elf, Grand Master, Dimension Master: Up to 80,000 points distributed (i.e. the sum of points in strength, agility, vitality, and energy cannot exceed this value).
Lord Emperror: Having command can have up to 90,000 points distributed (i.e. the sum of points in strength, agility, vitality, energy, and command cannot exceed this value).
Duel Master: is a special class in the MU environment and so you can have up to 100,000 points distributed (i.e. the sum of points in strength, agility, vitality, and energy cannot exceed this value).